Taco Stand, Winslow, AZ, 2014

Taco Stand | Winslow, AZ, 2014

Taco Stand Winslow, AZ, 2014

I can’t think of Winslow Arizona without thinking of the Eagles’ Song, “Take it Easy” that includes the line, “standin’ on a corner in Winslow, Arizona.” On one corner—not the famous one—I found the Hillside Taco Stand, desolate on the outside, but through its windows, a thriving hillside village comes into focus.

Inspiringly, the Standin’ On The Corner Foundation in Winslow was created to preserve the legacy of Winslow and to work together, project by project, to develop healthy community growth.

Establishing Photograph
Taco Stand, Winslow, AZ, 2014 ES 1